My 10 Essential Steps to the #Resistance

Marion Leary
6 min readMar 20, 2017


It has been a mere 2-months since the inauguration of the 45th President of these United States…where to begin. A lot of people in this country are afraid. If you don’t know that yet, then you are one of the few privileged folks who probably have nothing to worry about. For the rest of us who identify as LGBTQ, people of color, people of different faiths and religions, x-chromosome carriers, people with disabilities, low-income or poor, seniors, scientists, the press etc., these last two months have been concerning to say the least: Muslim and Immigrant bans, ICE raids, talk of rolling back LGBT rights, bomb threats at Jewish daycares and defacing Jewish headstones at cemeteries, racism run rampant, censoring science, censoring the truth and the press, destroying women’s rights, budget cuts for school lunch programs and meals on wheels for seniors…the list goes on and on.

No one was quite sure what would happen after Trump took office, some assured us that it was all an act to get the win. I however was not so naive and vowed, preemptively, to be vocal and loud, and to resist, no matter what came (I hate when I am right!).

But as much as Donald Trump and his administration have kept to their campaign of hate, using it to try and divide us, in actuality, I would argue, it is having the opposite effect.

People are showing up and getting involved, and it is wonderful to witness. But there are still plenty more who need to get woke. We are at a distinctly important time in our country’s history; though it is nice to see folks standing together when hate targets their individual groups, we need everyone to stand together when hate targets other groups as well. We can only defeat hate when we all stand together on all issues. We have to fight for the country we want. This is our rallying cry and now is the time!

Again, for those who may have missed it, it has only been two months— think about that — 59 days! I am exhausted, as I know a lot of you are, but we can’t be deterred, there is too much at stake! These first 59 days felt like an eternity but we have so much further to go:

As of March 19, 217 at 11:58a

Therefore, I pledge to do the following 10 actions and I urge you to do the same (or your own personal variation):

  1. I will make myself seen at rallies, marches, raids, in the news, and on social media. I will confront discrimination and hate head on. I will not be afraid.

2. I will make myself heard by speaking up and speaking out! I will make phone calls, send emails, and mail postcards!

3. I will protect any and all humans who need protecting in my city and nationwide.

4. I will help organize and be a conduit to help others organize and get involved.

5. I will be creative in my resistance.

6. I will use language appropriate for the situation.

7. I will continue to #resist because I am an activist first! Even if it means other priorities are put on hold.

8. I will encourage and support others who are new to the #resistance. I am just one individual and it will take the majority to take back our country.

9. As a Philadelphian and American I will be relentless in my pursuit, because hate has no home here! #whyilovephilly #sanctuarycity #notmycountry

10. I will resist anyway I can and revel in the ways others are resisting as well!

I will do all of this because this is not a moment, its the movement! History will look back on this time and ask “what did you do?”. #theresistance



Marion Leary
Marion Leary

Written by Marion Leary

Science geek. Passionate abt Philly, resuscitation, social media, scicomm, innovation, art, & helping others.

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